Welcome to Ricky and Lucy's Greenhouse online!
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Ricky and Lucy's Greenhouse is a full service greenhouse located in Sidney, Nebraska where you'll find organically grown herbs and produce.


Featured Products: Close out sale on select bulk herbs and spices!

Our products are all natural and organic, made from ingredients planted and harvested by hand in our own gardens. Ingredients we don’t grow ourselves are sourced organically. Products are made by hand in our on-site commercial kitchen, in small batches to assure quality and freshness.

Call for an appointment if you plan to visit the site.https://rickyandlucysgreenhouse.com/product/cardamon-powder-bulk-4-oz/

  • © 2025 Ricky and Lucy's Country Greenhouse, Sidney NE.

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

  • These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.